Monday March 31, 2025
वि.सं २०८१ चैत १८ सोमबार
European Microfinance Award
S.N. Project Details Description
1 Project Name: Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP) Multi Stakeholder Forestry Programme (MSFP) is funded by UKaid from the Department for International Development (DFID), the government of Finland and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and supported by the government of Nepal. It aims to improve livelihoods and resilience of poor and disadvantaged people in Nepal. It will also develop the contribution of Nepal's forestry sector to inclusive economic growth, poverty reduction, and tackling climate change. One of the implementing partner of MSFP is LI-BIRD (Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and Development). Along with LI-BIRD, District Chamber of Commerce and Industries (DCCI) of Myagdi, Baglung and Parbat and the MNBBL had partnered to establish Value Chain Development Fund (VCDF). Through VCDF, MNBBL play a critical role to provide access to finance to the forestry based entrepreneurs.
Partner Organization: LI-BIRD 
Doner: UKAID
Tenure: 2013 to 2015
2 Project Name: Access Advisory, Regional Programme on Remittances and Diaspora Investment for Rural Development  The programme developed financial products and delivery systems to enable migrants and their family members to increase the amount they save from their remittances and channel their savings into investment in their (rural) communities of origin.
Partner Organization: International Fund for Rural Development (IFAD)
Website :
Tenure: 2015 to 2018
3 Project Name: Climate Smart Finance Supported by Development Bank of Austria (OeEB) and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management. Under this partnership the bank able to develop “Improving Agriculture Loan” product through market research. The Farmers were trained and provided required loan to run their Agro-farm.
Partner Organization: Frankfurt School of Finance & Management and International Development Enterprise Nepal (iDE Nepal)
Website :
Tenure: 2015